I was raised in a religion of horror in the BIble Belt.
Traumatized, I ran away from church and God to preserve my sanity. It's been decades now. I was lost and lonely. I found my way back, not to any hellfire, thumper religion, no, never, but to the Relevant God, after a really long time of pondering whether the risk was worth it.
I disolved that Risk.
Some good people get lost in the Bible, like it's the Bible instead of God who is our Father. Its meaning and potentially abused power become impersonal for them, so its benifits to them are raggedy. Notice that when the Bible is used impersonally, sort of ignorantly, its use will harm instead of heal its reader.
The injured one spreads pain.
God's expansive word was never crammed into the Bible but stretches across creation.
Transformation is the whole point, we forget that. You may be unsure if that's the right view, and perhaps that's why your here, to explore that view in search of identity.
We forget too often that God is not a Christian. Well, He's neither Babtist nor Catholic. He's not a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or a Buddhist.
Neither male nor female, black or white.
He is the Father of all the people who disagree about Him.
What's He going to do about them?
He will be Your God to You, your Creator, and most relevantly, Your Father.
You are a Mistic.
God Loves All of Us as His Each of Us individually; this whole world, and the next, and the worlds that came before ours.
All are made in the Image of God. Everyone, in all nations across the globe, being made from Love, by Love, to share love.
Uh, What's a Storyvial, Anyway?
We are vessels, each one filled with a soul. This soul's experiences are so real that we begin to feel like we aren't just this soul in a body, but a walking true story. When we've changed our once glum stories to insightful stories, it feels like we've changed our souls.
It is in this gradual process of transformation that we are no longer our original subjective souls in their vessels but have become retrospective, seeing past the illusions of what we once believed to be our true identities.
Once we reach this stage, we know who we are. This is a fundamental desire of God for humans. With this change our basic soul, lighted by all the experiences that have touched it over time, can no longer be said to inhabit our vessel, or the body, exclusively.
For now the basic soul shares our identity with the awakened stories themselves. We've become deeper, more central, more introspective beings than ever, having not only the vessel, but the basic soul within it, and within the soul is the artifact of human wisdom: the transformed being herself.
Like a candle and its flame inside the glass, this new light glows through the whole being, an honest, translucent, easily enlightened being, which I call the Storyvial.
No matter who you are, you are destined to become a radiant Storyvial as God designed each one of us to be compatible with change, growth, and goodwill towards others.